HOT: Ten rules of travel for kids

istockphoto 3814270 flying around the world

Tim and I are veteran travellers and we’re starting to plan our first overseas trip with NKOTB. Hopefully this will be the beginning of many exciting explorations en famille and will plant the seed for NKOTB’s independent travelling when she gets older.

On Free Range Kids we came across these rules for travel with kids to help them travel independently and joyfully. I like them a lot and have a few more to add:

  1. It’s good to talk to strangers.  The outside world is full of them.  The place you don’t have to deal with them is at home, which is where people who can’t cope with strangers will stay next time.
  2. Each traveler is responsible for finding things to be excited about, and sharing that enthusiasm.
  3. If the enthusiasm of others embarrasses you, pretend otherwise.  Being cool is dull, except in a sports car.
  4. Unusual foods are part of the point.
  5. Staying home is usually more comfortable than traveling, but traveling is more interesting.  Prioritise well.
  6. Travel disruptions are normal and a good way to show your readiness for more challenging adventures.
  7. Remember that your dislikes do not make interesting conversation.
  8. Wash your hands.  You have no immunity to foreign germs.  Throwing up is not interesting.


9. Accept that everyone has ‘off’ days where they are more tired, forgetful or clumsy – as their travel companion help them out. Also see rule 7.

10. Accept the kindness and help of other people graciously and remember to do the same for visitors to your home town.

On the flipside of rules of travel for kids, I like this post from Lonely Planet – how to travel like a kid.

Finally, on a related matter – Tim and I are trying to decide whether we should buy an extra seat for NKOTB for the 6 hour flight – one flight is overnight, one is during the day. For $380 it seems like a good way to get more room and let NKOTB lie down across a lap and on a seat, rather than on us.

We’d love to know if you bought an extra seat when you flew overseas and any other tips for travelling with a (then) 1 year old!


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About Joyce Watts

Joyce Watts is a former intellectual property, IT and media lawyer turned serial entrepreneur.

As well as being the founder of TOT: HOT OR NOT she helps businesses with their SEO, email marketing & social media as; she owns an online bike store and develops and produces creative experiences for families via She used to publish another popular lifestyle and food blog called MEL: HOT OR NOT The decisive guide to Melbourne.

She lives in inner-city Melbourne with her husband, two children and seven bikes.

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